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Configuration of a Colorlight Card for Indoor P5 Panels - Wired

Colorlight Config for Indoor P5 Panels

This is a step by step guide that will show you how to configure a Colorlight card to control a set of Wired Watts Outdoor P5 panels.

  1. Plug your Colorlight card directly into your Gigabit NIC without anything in between such as a switch.
  2. Download and install LEDvision 8.8, not 5.0 and not 6.8 or 6.9. Use This Link to get the software.
  3. Click Control > Screen Size and Count Settings.
  4. Set the width and height in pixels. The x and y parameters correspond to the the location of the virtual display on your computer screen. This setting has no major purpose for setup. Press "Apply."
  5. Click Control > LED Screen Settings (password 168)
  6. On the first tab (Sending Device), make sure the middle option labeled "Net Card" is selected.
  7. Select your network card and press "Detect Receiver Cards."
  8. If you get something in the window below, great, if not, you need to troubleshoot this before moving on. Possibly look at step one again.
  9. On the third tab (Receiver Mapping), click on the box in the grey area and set the width and height of your matrix in pixels. The col and row boxes should both be set to 1. Make sure the grey box updates with those numbers.
  10. Press "Save to Devices" at the bottom of the screen.
  11. On the center tab (Receiver Parameters), click Load > Preset Parameters > General Parameters Full Color > 25 full color sixteen scan.
  12. Set the "Data Group" to "Normal 32 Groups"
  13. Set your width and height in the two white boxes to your matrix size in pixels. If it is out of range, adjust the multiple down from refresh x16 to refresh x8. That should make your matrix come in range if it was out.
  14. If the matrix is still out of range, set the DCLK as low as possible and adjust the refresh rate until you are able to get the panel in range.
  15. Press "Save to Receivers."
Originally Published 2/23/2021 6:07 PM EST
Updated 4/20/2024 10:57 PM EST
By Ken MacMaster