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Octo-Plus with Real Time Clock and OLED

Common Accessories

  • Octo-Plus with Real Time Clock and OLED
  • Beaglebone Black Rev C
  • Sandisk 64Gb Micro SD Card with Latest FPP Installed for Beaglebone
  • Total Together: $119.00

Octo-Plus with Real Time Clock and OLED


Octo-Plus with Real Time Clock and OLED

Availability:In Stock
Model: octoplus
Brand: Kulp Lights
Condition: New
Shipping Weight: 0.104 lbs
Shipping Dimensions: 2.5" × 4" × 1"
Categories: Panels > Panel Controllers
*This product price cannot be reduced by promotional codes that do not explicitly include this item within the terms and conditions of the sale


Product Overview

The Octoscrolla is a cape that is designed to plug into a Beagle Bone Black variant running Falcon Player to allow you to run up to 96 P10 panels or 40 P5 panels. Each of the eight connectors can control up to twelve P10 panels or five P5 panels.

The onboard RTC is DS1307 compatible. It allows FPP to keep proper time after a power loss. A CR1220 lithium battery is required to power the RTC (supplied).

The original Octoscroller was developed by Trammel Hudson and some background information on it can be found at

  • Supports up to eight P10 or P5 panel chains for Beagle Bone Black, Green, Blue, or Industrial variants.
  • Each chain of panels can have either twelve 1/8th scan P10 panels or five 1/16th scan P5 panels daisy chained.
  • The Beagle Bone should be powered via a power input connector.
  • The Octo-Plus uses a different, more efficient wiring pinnout than the original variants.
  • The included OLED screen and buttons allows you to see / manipulate various menu items on board.
  • There are also temperature sensors on board to give you a reading of the temperature in the enclosure.

For help building out a panel, please take a look our Matrix Buildout Configurator and Calculator. It will create a plug and play solution for building a panel to your specifications.

Product Specifications

  • 8 × 16pin IDC (2 × 8) male shrouded headers to connect the panels
  • 2 × 40pin male connector to connect to the Beagle Bone

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